Domingo Martínez (n. 1990) estudió en la Universidad Católica, y es licenciado en Artes. Su trabajo actualmente revisita los lenguajes de la pintura abstracta del siglo XX y su vinculación con la experiencia considerada en su dimensión política y afectiva.
En el año 2018 gana una beca para estudios de postgrado en el extranjero, FONDART, Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, Chile, para estudiar en la HFBK de Hamburgo, Alemania, un Master of Fine Arts: Painting/Drawing, bajo la dirección del Profesor Werner Büttner.
Aquí su trabajo, “Not better than”, 2019.
Técnica: Acrílico sobre tela.
Tamaño: 130 x 100 cm
Domingo Martínez (b. 1990) studied at the Catholic University of Santiago de Chile, and is a graduate in Arts. His work currently revisits the languages of abstract painting of the 20th century and its connection with the experience considered in its political and affective dimension.
In 2018 he won a scholarship for postgraduate studies abroad granted by FONDART, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Patrimony, Chile, to study at the HFBK in Hamburg, Germany in a Master of Fine Arts: Painting / Drawing, under the tutorship of Professor Werner Büttner.
Here his work, "Not better than", 2019.
Technique: Acrylic on sewing fabrics.
Size: 130 x 100 cm